my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




Sometimes I snivel a bit

Friday, Dec. 06, 2002 - 10:26 A.M.
Wade and Paige came over last night. For a short time. Its a good thing I have an Xbox though or I might not have seen them at all. Or rather that the Buffy game has to be played on Xbox exclusively, or they might have gone and played somewhere else.

I'm feeling a bit neglected. I shouldn't really. I know this. But its to be expected considering the situation and all. Still I don't get to see him quite as often as I like since the accident and the first time I see him in a while and he plays xbox for almost 5 hours straight. And we didn't really say anything that we don't normally say on the telephone. Melodramatic. I know. But still. It could have been worse. He could have gone over to Jenni's and played games there. jenni is not my friend at the moment because she feels quite certain that I was supposed to call her when we had the accident. Why she has a right and a need to know is beyond me. THe fact that she had the audacity to leave a nasty message on my voice mail accusing me of not calling her because of my indifference towards her is really unbelievable. I called everyone I thought needed to know. My apologies that she doesn't really rank that high as the grandmother, the mother and the roommate. Everyone else is secondary. Someone who is supposed to be so high ranking on the need to know list, hadn't even gotten ahold of anyone who did know about the accident. Peculiar and peculiar. But sure, I'll be the scapegoat. It makes things alot easier.......whew. a little aggression concerning that, ya think?

Anyway, I wasn't expecting this to be an issue. I was just missing my friends and this raised its ugly head.

WHat else can I talk about?

I made a 98 on my photography final project which surprised the hell out of me. I thought it rather mediocre at best, and lacking content and quality. But still I got a 98. I think she was taking pity on me because of the accident. The first day back after the accident and I had this humungous bruise on my arm and I had missed like two days in a row and she looked at my arm and looked at me and said, you pass. I just lifted my arms high and did the ol' homer simpson "woo hoo!"

I don't know what I made in the class. I'm thinking a B though. Cuz I made A's on everything except for my 4d motion pictures which I didn't turn in at all. But they were only worth 10 percent of the whole grade. so I'm think B. I'm hoping B. Come on bruised arm work for me here. Everyone think B. Those of you with psychic extrasensory empathic abilities, think A. It'll work better.

Hmm, what else is there to talk about. I'm running out of steam. Ieed some toast. ANd another Dr Pepper. its a two Dr Pepper mornin'.

School's out. YEAH!

Only 18 shopping days till christmas. Have you got my present yet. Only 2 shopping days left til Derek's birthday. Crap. I don't know what to get him. This sucks. Well I have an idea. but still. I need some other sutff. I have two ideas. maybe 3. This won't be so bad. Okay. I'm calm.

Okay....gotta go. Talk to you soon. Read me later. And read me lots. And if you have a hankering leave a bleeping message in my notes or my guestbook. Its alright, it likes bleeping messages. No really, go on. leave a bleeping message.

and in case any one is wondering, yes Jessica owes me $1,000,000,022,000.37. And Wade is secretly in love with me and is covering it up and saying its really the dorky Andrew that is currently starring on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And Paige, well Paige has become smitten with Harry Potter. I don't have anything nice to say about Jenni so like my mother always said, I won't say anything at all. So there.

neurosis ~ catharsis