my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




its perfectly clear now ain't it

Saturday, Aug. 24, 2002 - 12:23 A.M.
I used to think I had everything figured out, you know? I mean I thought everything I knew was and would always be what I had always thought it was. I never expected things to look different or seem different or feel different. It just goes to show what we "know".

Cryptic huh?


Just came back from watching Insomnia. I was told by a freind of mine that it was bad. Bad bad movie. But I guess if you go in with low expectations and you like the actors that are in it, then the chances of it turning out better than you thought it would is more than likely going to be higher. So needless to say I enjoyed it much better than I thought I would. My friend doesn't know everything apparently. :)

I haven't updated in a few. Which feels unusual. Actually I started to update last night but lost the fervor of the moment and powered off the computer and went to sleep instead.

So I will fill you in on the last couple of days.

Celebrity sighting of the week. Sylvia Browne, you know the psychic lady that is always on Montel Williams, apparently, autographed books at my store on Wednesday night. She was an interesting woman. She seems like anybody else. She didn't put off any psychic vibe or anything. She came to the store and signed some books in theback, then went out and talked to the crowd of about 200 people waiting to get books signed. had them ask questions. Told one woman she had 2 years to live. Told another woman she should adopt cuz she wasn't going to be able to have any natural children. Talked about several dead people who were there, or knew, or whatever about what these dead people were feeling told this one guy his business that he started would be doing good starting around January, another guy would be doing well in landscaping. All in all, I wasn't too impressed.

Yesterday was a full moon. it was a bigt full yellow moon against a starry night sky filled with stars. Sometimes I wish I lived out in the country cuz then I could see all the stars. but this is alright too.

I wore my shirt inside out all day yesterday. Not a soule told me till about 7:00 when Randy, this guy I work with who looks like he might dress with his eyes clothes, HE is the one who tells me my shirt is inside out. Its funny though cuz I was feeling the open neck button up part and was thinking to myself that it seemed odd. It never occurred to me that the buttons were on the inside. I just pulled in on over my head.. I thought about changing it inside out, but decided against it. If i could wear it for 7 hours what was two more.

Saturday was Wade's house warming party. It went alright. Considering. Wade decided the two bottles of Boone's Farm strawberry hill $1.99 a bottle wine was for him so he commenced to drinking it down like water. Then felt compelled to call Jenni and afterwards insisted she was planning something and fel the need to discuss it repeatedly with everyone there.

Paige had a "friend" come to the party. His name was tony. A former co-worker. She likes him. He likes her too. They were leaning in to each other as the talked by the couch. lots of body language going on. He had his arm draped over her shoulder by the end of the evening. quite quaint. :)

By 7:00 in the a.m. Wade was puking up his strawberry hill on Paige's bedroom carpet. (how convenient) and I ended up on the floor cuz Tony had stretched out on the couch so I couldn't pull out the bed. Grrrrr. Did I mention they have ants. Fortunate none bit me. That I'm aware of.

Martha's on vacation this next week. technically it started two days ago when teh manager's meeting started. she's been out of the store since Thursday and was supposed to work tomorrow night but I think she has decided against it. And she's off all next week, then I am vacation the week after that. School starts next week. But I'm only taking two classes so I'm not even going to call it school. Photography and Intro to education. As someone said, I could probably do it with my eyes closed.

Our first Calendar kiosk goes up next that week. :) I'm having to hire people for it, which means interviewing. I'm not much for interviewing. But Sunday I have two interviews. I'm gonna feel like a goof. But oh well.

I really don't have much else to say.

I talked to Mel, twice since I last wrote. Her daughter started kindergarten on monday. She was so distraught that her daughter was starting school. Her husband is still out of town, but apparently he was coming home this week for a visit or something like that. I'm not a very big fan of his. Never have been. I remember the first time I met him. It was a thanksgiving. It was sleeting and the roads were crap. The both of them came out to my mothers to pick me up to bring me over to her parents who at the time lived about 4 miles away from me. It was probably the third thanks giving I'd spent with them and her whole family was there, her brother and her sister and there family. and her mother and father. and then there was him. He seemed at the time a bit, nerdy. Nothing like I would have pictured her with. She seemed happy though, a little. I remember how pretty she looked. She always looks pretty to me though so I guess that don't matter much. we all ate and I talked to "mom" and "dad" and I played with her sisters kids. I think we had teh same maturity level. :) I'm used to watching her taillights as she drives away and I watch until I can't see them. That time though, the first time I'd seen her with someone else, and I watched them rolling down the street, knowing or at least what ithought I knew that she loved him, it was excruciating. I still watch her taillights when she leaves. I walk up the sidewalk to the stairs in the front and I watch till they're gone and I sigh a sigh of discontentment because of everything I lost in her. Anyways.....

I've talked to Derek like every day since he's been working back up at the other store. I really miss working with him. But its better this way. We never got anything done. he's a very bad influence on me. :) But we've talked everyday except for when he went down to Houston with Leroy to watch a Cher concert. His mother had bought him tickets. He said Cher was okay but was disappointed that she only sang one song from her new album and then a lot of her older stuff. He said Cindy Lauper was great. I hear Cyndi Lauper and I think Goonies. Anyway. Suffice to say I am glad that we're still close even though he's not working with me. SOmetimes I get worried because I feel like we go through periods where we aren't talking or something and I start missing him being around. And then things are cool again. I don't know. I'm easily worried when it comes to him.


I need to do laundry. I really do. The best news all week. No dress code at work any more. At least taht is what Ms Baker vsaid. I don't know why I call her Ms Baker. Aside from her being my elder. I guess. Everyone else calls her Kathy. Anyway. No dress code. And we're going to have Terry Bradshaw doing an autographing in October. Its still tentaive but they told us this week. And we're supposed to be having Tim McGraw too. the country singer. Apparently he has a book. Hopefully we'll get some more good names to do autographings. I don't know. But I have to do laundry cuz well I got a pile of dirty clothes that says so.

Okay here's your damned entry. :) Take it or leave it. I gots to go to bed, cuz I got a bookfair inthe wee hours of the morning to get to with Ms Baker.

neurosis ~ catharsis