my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




lame is a 4 letter word

Sunday, Nov. 10, 2002 - 11:53 P.M.
You know its just a matter of time before I updated again. With a little bitching from someone, I was just pushed right along. :P

I don't really have much of an entry which is kinda of sad since I haven't had an entry for like almost 2 weeks. How is that possible. I mean two weeks and there's nothing to update about. Its a bit depressing.

Things to bring up of some import though to long time readers.

Jenni and Wade seem to be best of friends again. Its weird how they are off and on again and again. I'd hate to think that in a couple of months they are going to be off again. Do you ever think that its possible that there be too much history with a person to overcome and make things right and stay right. Jenni and Wade have LOTS of history

This is my first entry of my third year at writing at diaryland. I wish there was something more profound and uplifting to write about.

I fill the need for a moving entry. I started one last night but it wasn't the least bit moving and or inspired.

Its been a bit of a last luster month so far. I'm not really into the whole holiday spirit.

My mom is supposed to be going down to Houston unless some sort of miracle occurs. In which case I have to go out to her house and take care of Auggie while she is gone. She's supposed to be buying all the makings for thanksgiving so that I can cook a thanksgiving dinner. I want to cook and have everyone over. But I can't because so many of my friends and or friends of friends aren't friends with each other. Still I want to cook. Except I don't want to have them over at my mom's cuz it smells like dog over there. Or at least it did. Hopefully it doesn't now. I'm not looking forward to going out there to take care of the dog either. I hate that most of all. Especially the weekend after thanksgiving no less. Work all day with a bunch a manic shoppers then go out and take care of the dog only to have to go back to work again. Its not fun at all. Not that its this huge task or anything, but still. I guess its the burden of being the good son. Someone else want to be the good son for awhile.

I am not too impressed with this entry.

I want to write something worthwhile but what I want to write and what I am writing are two different things So here I am being cryptic. Partly because I don't know how to write what I am thinking and partly because I don't want to write it at all. Its stupid really. But not so stupid or boring that I just put it here for everyone to read.

So its like almost 1:00 in the morning and I have to open so I am going to go. Sorry its such a lame entry. I tried. I promise I'll have a better entry later.

neurosis ~ catharsis