my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




lasagna redux redux.....

Thursday, Sept. 26, 2002 - 9:59 A.M.
I'm having a Lasagna dinner tonight. For the most part these little adventures in home entertainment turn out alright. Of course that's only because everyone can't be mature at once and all show up and act their age and not their shoe size. Now see how I got that cute little dig in at everybody who isn't going to come to my lasagna dinner because there's other invitations without naming names or pointing fingers. You all know I make a damned good lasagna. Really really good lasagna. No you don't understand, this time, I might out do myself. The sauce itself has been simmering for 24 hours for the perfect flavor. Plus I'm being PC for those non carnivores, there's going to be veggie lasagna.....mmmm veggie lasagna. How can that not be enticing. Exactly. They are. So those of you who decided against my little soiree because of one of the "guests" rest assured I shant forget this....NEVAH! :)

Actually that's not true, I do understand. I've had second thoughts myself about the guestlist. Especially since I'm such an ass and a shit and apparently ....well never mind. It's all heresay anyway.

believe it or not, I don't have thesedinners to repair any so called rifts between people. RIght now I am of a firm mind that rifts are good. No really they are. They keep me from being a two faced bitch not to mention everybody else. Its good that everyone knows what everyone thinks about everyone else. However....this is my dinner and since none of you are mad at me, the least you could do is show up and eat some of my damned lasagna. This means you and you. I want you to come too, but have to work. Well that's just great! Anyway....did I mention I was having a lasagna dinner.

SO I got a new fish last night. Its been awhile since ol' Maurice kicked the bucket. The jury is still out as to whether it was suicide or murder....I'm leaning towards murder myself. He was such a happy fish too. No really he was. Well there's a new fish now. His name is Ernesto. He's blue. I hope he doesn't mind moving into Maurice's old digs. But I got him pretty rocks to swim around with. Of course then I have to consider the possibility that Maurice will haunt Ernesto. It was a mysterious death, you know. What if.....what if he's a displaced spirit now.....something to consider.

Wade and Piage got new fishes too. Paige is calling her Beta Lugosi and Wade had yet to name his. Mine was the prettiest of them all. They'll say otherwise, but its true all the same. Shhhh, don't say anything, Ernesto will get a big head. He's got an ego problem already.

Well I gots to go to class now. Well not really but I keep finding things in the apartment to clean and that's getting old really fast. I'll just dim the lights....oh wait, I don't have a dimmer switch, crap.......fine, we'll eat by the glow of the television set.

Anyway. I'll tell you how it went, who came, who shunned me and my delicious lasagna when I get back. So read me later.

neurosis ~ catharsis