my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




And your mother too!

Sunday, Dec. 08, 2002 - 9:11 A.M.
I realldon't want to go to work today. Actually. I hardly ever want to go to work, but Sundays used to be a bit of a respite, cuz it was a n early closing day and 2 hours of teh day we didn't have to help customers since we didn't open till noon. Now with the holiday hours its only one hour, like normal, cuz we open an hour earlier and then we are open til 8:00 instead of 6:00, which makes for an extremly long day. Extremely. Plus all this mad shoppers, its not the joy I make it out to be. THen next Sunday, we're open at 10:00. But next Sunday I'm working a regular 9:00 to 5:30 shift and then my boss is coming in for the closing shift. or is thatthe SUnday before chirstmas. Whichever the case may be. I get a short sunday on that sunday.

Went and saw Treasure Planet yesterday. Makes me want to read Treasure Island. I've never read it. Its supposed to be adapted. SO I am going to read it now. Movies can be so good.

THen they can be so....bad is the only word that comes to mind. Remember I told you I was going to do that Netflix thing. Well I got my first two movies; Y Tu Mama Tambien and A Man For All Seasons. Well Friday night Michael had called wanting to go out and get a little toasted and he says he was calling to see if I could talk him out of it. Well I did sorta. I told him I was going to watch Y Tu Mama Tambien. he's a big fan of foreign films so I told him he could come over and watch it with me if he wanted. So he grabs his home booze and and wishfully loads up all his Xbox movies too in the even that we will play video games. So I putthe movie in, pour myself a shot of Captain Morgan and then make a drink and settle in for a movie that I had heard good things about. None of it first hand of course, you know, the proverbial "buzz" Well it must have been some damn bee buzzing in my ear cuz the movie sucked. It was practically a porno. It opens with this guy and girl going at it with zest and then next scene two more people going at it with zest, short lived zest but zest all the same. And then the two guys pick up one of their cousin's wife and they go for an imaginary beach in hopes of getting to go at it with zest, with her. One thing leads to another, she screws with both of them, then the guys confess to screwing each others girlfriends, their friendships are irrevocable damaged only to be repaired when the thtree of them go at (with Zest) only the guys wake up together and then they go back home to go their separate ways cuz "life is like the surf, you have to go with the waves" or something along those lines. She dies of cancer or something and the guys meet by happenstance years later and talk over coffee only to never see each otehr again. THE END. It was a heartlifting experience that it ended. So go, run to your nearest blockbuster, and or Netflix and rent that movie.

I haven't watched A Man For All Seasons, but it swept the oscars in 1967 or some odd year so its got to be good. RIght?

Yesterday was the last day of Hannakuh, my spelling may be wrong. Leroy's is jewish and so we sorta had a celebration type gathering he Derek and I. Went and watch the movie, ate dinner at Rainforest Cafe and Derek gave him gifts. Today's Derek's birthday. I of course have to work all day. Which sucks. And he has to spend part of the day with his parents, watching the Rockettes. His enthusiasm was overwhelming. Rest assured. ANyway, I don't know if we're going to have any money to do anything. We're all terribly poor.

We'll see. YEs we will.

Okay I gotta go to hell, and work for 10 hours. Have fun, but not too much cuz I won'tbe there, and how fair is that. Read me later.

neurosis ~ catharsis