my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




New Years Eve eve

Monday, Dec. 30, 2002 - 11:45 A.M.
Do you hear that.....listen closely, its the sound of silence. My apartment is empty of the family invaders who have entered into my domain. They left this morning at about 7:30. I muttered my goodbyes from the comfort of my bed and they were off. I know, I know, how inhospitable, but really, it was 7:30 in the morning you know. Those of you who comment on my early rising, will be summarily shot.

Anyway I rested a wee bit longer until I couldn't hear the engine from his truck....okay a little longer than that, and then I got up and ran into the living room and signed online. I grabbed a Dr Pepper on the way, cuz well that really does make the morning better.

Anyway, I'm still relishing in the silence and felt compelled to share it with you.

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve. Another year come and gone. Sheesh that happens quick these days. No age cracks or its the firing squad for all you.

I'm having a gathering. I don't know what we are going to do aside from ring in the new year, preferrably a bit on the ripped side. Probably not too ripped though. Still, I don't know what we're going to do other than that. Its not going to be a huge gathering really. Me, Derek, Leroy, Wade, Jennifer G., possibly Paige and her new boyfriend TJ. Derek has mentioned watching Lilo & Stitch, which I haven't seen. But alternative plans may be necessary. Last year we ran around town to find the makings for margaritas and pina coladas. Which turned out good by the way. I felt all warm and cozy after I had mine, they were good. And then all we did was watch the Simpson, I think in French, and a couple other movies.

I had a whole long drawn out "friend dialogue" in here that I just edited out cuz it was all stuff I had said before and I was just reiterating how the year has progressed and how while it seems pretty much the same it was different, but for your sake I edited it out.

Its a shame all of my outtakes no longer exist (after I had to reformat the hard drive (again)) Cuz how profound and probably very sad would I sound? Probably a bit obsessive too. Obsessive is not one of my favorite characteristics.

Its raining like a big dog outside right now. I mean thundering and lightning and rain like crazy. I have to go to work in an hour so this shit better pass soon. Its messing with my electricty too, which as far as my laptop is concerned is no big deal but it just disconnected me from AOL because my dsl modem is plugged in. GRRRR Fortunately I thought quickly and copied and pasted my text.

Yesterday was a pretty good day as far as days go. I had to go to work of course. But I got off early cuz I have two 9 hour days on Tuesday and Wednesday and well I got off two hours early. Poor Leroy had to work with Martha all by his lonesome. Derek came up and had lunch with me, or rather he had a Frosty while I had lunch. THen we went to Grapevine Mills. where I persuaded him not to buy the Drumline soundtrack because he could probably get it cheaper at Walmart or Target, but it turned out neither of them had it and we drove all over looking for it only to buy it at Barnes & Noble (the evil empire) for the same price as Virgin Records had it. Then we went back to Derek's and waited for Leroy to get home before going to watch a movie. We were going to watch Chicago, but it was still first run and he couldn't use his tickets and so we watched Maid in Manhattan, which turned out to be better than I thought it was going to be. But not as good as Two Weeks Notice which we saw the other day. Then it was home to spend a few hours with the family, watching Freejack, which was a horrible for a film that had so many quality actors in it. And when I say quality I'm primarily referring to Anthony Hopkins. Then it was time to go to sleep. I started reading my new Robin Hobb book. its wonderful, by the way. I had a customer, a regular, who came in and she was buying several authors that I read and she was telling me how she enjoys almost all teh authros that I have suggested but will always hold Robin Hobb against me. I was insulted and shocked. Not really, but still, Robin Hobb is wonderful. I've only encounter two other people out of the hundred and hundred of people that I have suggested her too who didn't like her. My manager was one of them. Who by the way appears to have gotten a 30 day reprieve from the guillotine it seems. Course this is all hearsay as Ms Baker told me this morningonthe phone. So we'll see how this goes. Okay I have to go and get ready for work. Yippee!

Read me later. Granted it 'll be more of this so be prepared.

neurosis ~ catharsis