my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




death of an entry revisited

Monday, Dec. 16, 2002 - 10:55 A.M.
Sometimes I hate my computer. No really HATE it with a burning passion that's often relegated to the most vile of people, you know people who take up two parking spots, people who think they can sing and do, but can't and really shouldn't, well all those people who think and do, but can't and shouldn't, and just fill in the action of choice. But right now I just hate my computer.

I was writing along, a most wonderful of entries when I wanted to see if I could find a latin term for fish murder, because I was commenting in my diary about the longevity of Ernesto and how I was under the impression that Maurice was murdered and was haunting my apartment until I could put his spirit to rest....anyway I shrank the window that the entry was being written in and opened a new window to search for a word other than fishicide, because that just sounds silly to me, but fishicide is the only thing that was coming up, so a reopen my other window and its at a whole different screen. A stream of obscenties ensued as well as me giving my computer the bird, which did no good since I am still having to retype my entry. BASTARD!

Anyway, back to the rewrite.

I am off work today. I was supposed to be working but my boss was getting her haircut Wednesday, (my other day off) but she switched with me so I have today and tomorrow off instead. So now I am sitting here listening to the whine of lawnmowers nad leafblowers as the apartments get there weekly lawn manicure and am contemplating what I'm supposed to do with the rest of my day. If you looked at my apartment I am sure you would have suggestions, including laundry, vacuuming and assorted other domestic chores, but I don't have my webcam for you to look at my apartment now do I. So nyah!

I do need to do laundry though......

I need to go do Christmas shopping, what with only a sparse 8 shopping days left and I've yet to purchase a thing. But I know what I want to get people. Doesn'tthat count. I just need a cash injection. Hmmm, what to do.

What else.

There's a Christmas party over at Wade and Paige's this Saturday. It was supposed to be Friday, but I finessed it to a Saturday party. Okay so it wasn't all me, but mostly me. LOL. Big list of folks. There's bound to be drama. I don't know if that's going to be a good thing or not. But as spectator fare goes, it may well be good. I'm a spectator at heart. And everyone, (okay not everyone) but everyone loves me. I'm practically neutral for all intense and purposes. Though if true be told I do take sides. On occasion. But all great neutralities have been known to do that. Look at the swiss, known for their neutrality, but heck yeah they're more than willing to take all that Nazi gold obtained through nefarious means. Trying to retreive it has been quite the proverbial bitch from what I understand. Anyway.....I don't know what I'm talking about. I'm still steamed at the whole computer fiasco.

I was reading the Hollywood Reporter and reading about the Oscar buzz and so forth and I happen upon Y Tu Mama Tambien. I might have mentioned what a miserable movie that was and I saw that it won the Boston Crix award as well as THe LA crix award and I'm thinking to myself, what the hell for. It sucked. To high heaven it sucked. The only poignant part in the whole movie was when we find out at the end of the movie that one of the characters died from cancer and which explains why she left her husband in the first place. To spare him the pain of losing her. Very poignant, but the rest was pretty much lacking....IMHO

Anyway, there are so many movies I want to go and see. I have midnight tickets for Two Towers. That is going to be phenomenal. And the reveiws for Catch Me If You Can are superb and Gangs of New York. And gotta get your dose of sappy with Two Weeks Notice and I don't know...there's lots. The drawback to reading the entertainment sites is all these movies sound so good and I want to watch them.

Anyway, I've run out of inspiration for this entry. I will be back though, some time.

neurosis ~ catharsis