my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




All these words sound alike

Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2002 - 9:39 A.M.
School started back up yesterday. of course you already knew that, didn't you. so okay, you didn't know it, but i think everybody else knew. Everybody else. But that's alright.

I went to both classes like a good pupil. you should be proud. I am. More than i can say for some people who didn't go to all of their classes, but from what i hear parking is a bitch. lol.

But the Intro to teaching class may fall to the wayside for the sole purpose that it is for grade levels 4 - 8 and since when i eventually start teaching i plan on teaching high school, this particular class won't transfer into the teaching program that i will be taking. not that i haven't taken like a billion other classes that won't transfer and are solely for the furthering of my knowledge, but still, we'll have to see how that goes. The photography class is going to be really cool. Expensive, but cool. Good thing i don't have to buy a book or a camera. But the film approximately 20 rolls of black and white not to mention photo paper and the miscellaneous supplies are going to cost me. But still. It'll be cool.

My apartment is nice and clean, or rather noticeably cleaner than normal. Derek exclaimed about it last night when he and leroy dropped by on their way to Walmart. I had found him a Captain Underpants blow up doll that I told him he had to have so he dropped by to get it. Since he wasn't, i was embarassed for him, for all the joy that he felt blowing the thing up and enjoying it. he looked all of 8 years old. I couldn't help but laugh. course i laugh at everything, but i was reiterating.

I don't want to go to work tonight. I want to stay home and do nothing. Alas, that will nto be the case. Martha is on vacation for hte next three days, actually only two now, but she won't be back at the store till Friday. Irene is opening and ms baker, she don't close. so I'm stuck.

The best damn chicken nachos on the planet

Tonight is supposed to be Chicken Nacho night at Cafe Brazil. that's what i'm calling it anyway. if you haven't been there and had their chicken nachos, let me tell you they're the best damn chicken nachos on the planet. Did you notice how i used there, their and they're all correctly in that sentence. clever. okay not clever, just wordy, but still. I noticed. It's me and Wade and I figure he'll try and scrounge up a person or two to go too (look I did it again.) suffice to say chicken nachos are our friends. Have some. I Love'm!

Laundry is a horrible horrible past time. It really is. Especially when some fat cow decides she needs to use the dry to dry one shirt and a pair of pants. granted there is plenty of material there, she is a big person, but still. Okay those last two sentences are ficticious, there is no fat cow, just a woman using two dryers therefore i had to stuff all my clothes into two dryers which means they probably won't be completely dry which means i'll be wearing damp clothes to work, which ought to dry before I get to work cuz its so damn hot out there so this whole sentence is a moot point. suffice to say i'm babbling. Which means I ought to mosey on to bigger and better things.

Anyway. i'm gonna mosey. Read me later.

neurosis ~ catharsis