my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




off to work against the wind and an incline or two

Friday, Nov. 29, 2002 - 10:42 A.M.
What I wouldn't give for wings. Even if they were only temporary and I would have to walk around with them on for a couple of hours afterwards and people would gawk and point and say strange things about me, cuz I'm pretty sure "look he's an agnel" wouldn't be the words coming to their lips, cuz most of you are mean ass bastards. Why is that? Anyway, some wings to go to work would be swell. But I guess the day after thanksgiving isn't the day for wishing for things, huh? It looks like theirs wind out their too. You don't know, but wind, wind is the cyclist's enemy. Oh you think its your friend til you hit it head on going up abnd incline. And inclines, I'm certain road crews from all over the world specificlly make roads with inclines to torture those of us who do not have a car. I mean why else would they make them. We have the ability to make anything flat, and yet look, all around you freakin inclines. And they're all inclines too. Why are they all inclines. Well let me tell you. As you are sailing as easy as can be down the supposed decline you're thinking in the back of your head, oh shit, I have to pedal up this mother @#%*&@#*) tomorrow on the way to work You do. Seriously. It's an incline from that moment on. And don't get me started about the wind. No matter how beneveolent, its evil. I can only remember one time where it was really a benevolent force. there was the storm amovin' on in and it was a ferocious mean one too. Clouds reaching to the heavens and racing along the horizon like a film in fast forward. It was menacing. And every once in a while like they were taunting me, I would feel a raindrop. Not lost of raindrops, just a couple, like those clouds were spitting on me, telling me that they could drench me iff they wanted to. Well the wind, this one time, was on my side and it was blowing like it had to be in New York in the morning. Blowin' like crazy. And I flew along Rufe Snow like I had wings. Other than that, teh wind is my eternal foe. I fear the battle will be put to the test this afternoon. I am not looking forward to this battle.

I'm in no mood for working either. I have this horrible feeling that none of you will be heeding my advice and not shopping for the next three days. Why is that. What could you possibly achieve by showing up today at 5 a.m. at a store and shopping. WHAT?!?!?!? That's what I thought. Just so we're clear.

I really don't have much of an entry, as you might have noticed at this point of the entry. my apologies. But its my place to ramble and I felt like rambling. I'd ramble about more important things, but alas those things haven't happened yet. So la ti da. Read this or something else I guess. ha.

Okay I gotta finish off this Dr. Pepper and fortifiy myself against the wind. Its waiting for me. Teeth bared, howling through the trees, rattling branches and ready to fight it out. Wish me luck.

neurosis ~ catharsis